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Henri Mouhot

Henri Mouhot (Died 35 years ago)

Montbéliard, Doubs, France

Archduchess Maria of Austria (1531–1581)

Archduchess Maria of Austria (1531–1581) (Died 50 years ago)


Soyul (33 years)

South Korea

Rodolphe Laflamme

Rodolphe Laflamme (Died 66 years ago)

Madhuri Dixit

Madhuri Dixit

Mumbai, India

Jeri Weil

Jeri Weil (76 years)


Virgil Gadson

Virgil Gadson (37 years)

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Ricardo Michel Vázquez

Ricardo Michel Vázquez (34 years)

Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico

Athena Grace

Athena Grace

Chicago, IL

Hedda Nova

Hedda Nova (Died 82 years ago)

Odessa, Kherson Governorate, Russian Empire [now Ukraine]

Peter Iwers

Peter Iwers (49 years)

Stockholm, Sweden

Jacek Krzynowek

Jacek Krzynowek (48 years)

Kamiensk, Poland