World's top leaders meet at G20 summit in Hamburg. Jacob Zuma is there, too

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World's top leaders meet at G20 summit in Hamburg. Jacob Zuma is there, too

In my head, I’m picturing a scene from Mean Girls  Our Jacob goes to sit with a group of high-power figures in the conference cafeteria, only to be told: “You can’t sit with us!”

He’s got himself safely to Hamburg to take his seat at the top table with 18 other countries and the European Union… Who have definitely told Britain that they can’t sit with them.

On the agenda for this year’s summit is employment, world economy and strengthening financial architecture. You know. JZ’s strong points…

The discussions over global economic policies will also look at dealing with terrorism and extremism, climate and energy, and female empowerment: In fact, he has brought female ministers Maite Nkoana-Mashabane and Nkhensani Kubayi along as part of his delegation.


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Date Posted: Sat, 8 Jul 2017, 08:31 am

Tags: Jacob Zuma

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