Where's Sean? April Ryan Has Awkward Exchange With Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Spicer
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Where’s Sean?”
It was a question undoubtedly on everybody’s mind in the White House briefing room Monday. White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer sat out the day’s session, and turned the podium over to his understudy — Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
April Ryan — the D.C. Bureau Chief for American Urban Radio Networks — asked the question towards the end of Huckabee Sanders’ briefing.
“He’s here today,” Huckabee Sanders said, offering nothing in the way of clarification.
“Why didn’t he come out?” Ryan said.
Huckabee Sanders appeared incredulous.
“This is part of my job as well,” she said. “Did you guys ever ask any of the other deputy Press Secretaries when they filled in?”
Of course, it has been rumored for months that Spicer will be relieved from his duties as the President’s lead spokesperson and perhaps replaced with Huckabee Sanders.
Spicer’s deputy insisted that’s not the case.
“I’m just filling in for the day, April,” Huckabee Sanders said. “There are a lot of demands on his schedule, particularly given the fact there’s not a Communications Director. And this is part of my job as well. When I’m needed, I’ll step in.”
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