With Brock Lesnar at home Paul Heyman Roman Reigns battle on the mic to close Raw
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Following one week of radio silence on all fronts, Paul Heyman was given his chance to speak on the behalf of Brock Lesnar. Last week on Monday Night Raw, Roman Reigns dunked on Lesnar and hung on the rim for a few extra seconds.
Framed as the main event of Raw, Heyman walked to the ring carrying the Universal title but without Brock. Heyman wasn't here to entertain but to deliver a message on behalf of his client.
The crux of Heyman's message is that Brock Lesnar can do whatever he wants. If Lesnar wanted to lay down the Universal championship and the UFC heavyweight championship down in the ring he could do that.
— TDE Wrestling (@totaldivaseps) March 6, 2018
"It's not how bad you want the title... it's how bad the TITLE wants YOU!" @HeymanHustle #RAW #WrestleMania pic.twitter.com/bhIf4yzv0r
Heyman also promised if Reigns wanted to do anything about it, he can go face-to-face with Lesnar next week on Raw when the champion will make an official appearance.
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