Trump surrogate Jeffrey Lord blames gun violence on legalized abortion — and goes down in flames

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Trump surrogate Jeffrey Lord blames gun violence on legalized abortion — and goes down in flames

After watching his candidate get bludgeoned by speeches from President Obama and Vice President Biden on Wednesday, Trump surrogate Jeffrey Lord had a lot of work to do on CNN.

While attacking the Democrats’ major speeches on Wednesday, Lord tried to chip away at the party’s arguments for more gun control by calling them out for hypocrisy.

Why, you ask? Because, according to Lord, you can’t tell people to stop gunning one another down in the streets when you favor legal abortion.

In all the talk about guns, and gun control, etc., one of the things that people like me believe is that this is linked immutably to the issue of abortion, Lord said, via Media Matters. Why? Because abortion is about you talk to pro-life folks about respect for life. And if we have a culture that is saying, under the guise of pro-choice that childrens lives are not to be respected, that no ones life is to be respected, you cant reasonably expect people out there to think if this is the culture theyre raised in, to not understand that the life is so valuable that they shouldnt be out there taking life.

In reality, the murder rate is significantly down from where it was when Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973, and has steadily been in decline since the mid-1990s. This suggests, at the very least, that there is no correlation at all between legalized abortion and violent crime.


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Date Posted: Fri, 29 Jul 2016, 01:56 am

Tags: Jeffrey Lord,Jeff Lord

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