Sen Durbin Gaza hospitals should be protected from the conflict and run by a neutral party
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Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), the number two Democrat in the Senate, is calling for the hospitals in Gaza to be reopened and run by a neutral third party. He joins Andrea Mitchell to explain why he thinks a third party is needed. What I'm looking for is critical, credible reports on these hospitals and looking for a third party the public and the parties that are involved will accept. And then thats not an easy thing. In fact, some organizations have told me pointedly they don't want to get involved and that it's too political, Durbin tells Andrea. I understand that it is a complex situation, and Hamas has used these hospitals as a veiled effort to continue their military operations in a safe way. And I do not want to in any way support that. But the bottom line is, the hospitals that are real hospitals and have real needs should be identified and protected.Nov. 29, 2023
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